TMT Rebars

TMT stands for Thermo Mechanically Treated.

TMT Bars are used in construction and integral part of any structure or building. It can be bend and used as per requirement in site and reinforced with concrete.

Basically there are 3 Qualities in bars:-

  • CTD :- Cold Twisted Deformed Bars
  • TOR :- Tor – 40
  • TMT :- Thermo-Mechanically Treated Bars

CTD & TOR-40:
CTD & TOR -40 are old forms of reinforcement bars but are now obsolete because CTD name itself suggests that it is “cold twisted deformed” bars. And it is twisted when it is cold, which leads to surface crack which makes the product more prone to corrosion. TMT Bars are much easily available and is of superior quality than CTD & TOR-40.

TMT Bars:

Representation of TMT bars is done by its diameter.
For e.g.: 8mm TMT bar means diameter of that bar is 8mm.

Following are the sizes available in Reinforcement bars:
Diameter (in mm): 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 25, 28, 32, 40, 45.

Grades of TMT Bars:-


Standard Grade Remarks
IS 1786-1985 FE- 415
IS 1786-1985 FE- 500
IS 1786-1985 FE- 550
Re-Bars with corrosion resistant
CRM Cu+Cr+P = 0.75 % min
HSCRM Cu+Cr+P = 0.75 % min
Earth Quake resistance EQR


Yield Strength N/mm2 (min) UTS N/mm2 (min) % Elongation (min)
415 485 14.5
500 545 12
550 585 8
415 485 14.5
500 545 12
14. 5

Manufacturers of TMT bars:

There are broadly 2 types of Manufacturers

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Primary Manufacturers :- Primary Producers are those who have fully integrated plants (i.e. plants which have their own sources of Iron-ore, Blast furnace, Sponge iron plant, Power plant & Finished product plant.) In India there are mainly 4 Primary producers of TMT Bars which are as follows:-

  • SAIL
  • VIZAG (also known as RINL : Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited)
  • TATA
  • Jindal

Secondary Manufacturers –

  • General specification
  • Thickness: 8mm – 40mm
  • Length: 12m (straight)
Specification End Use
IS Equivalent  
TMT PLUS Fe-415 IS 1786 – Fe 415 construction, concrete
reinforcement, bridges
flyovers, infrastructure,
industrial building etc.
TMT PLUS Fe-500 IS 1786 – Fe 500
TMT PLUS Fe-550 IS 1786 – Fe 550
TMT PLUS CRS IS 1786 HCR corrosive, humid & marine areas, bridges, dams, roofing etc.